Before starting, you need to source some scripts and configure your account.
Some comments about the script modification:
This script will work only on Lxplus7 for version 4.1 of higher
The version of ROOT is defined by the script. Do NOT used another version.
You are now able to get ALPHA++ via CVS:
[lxplus043] ~ > cvs login The password is CERNuser, and the numbers are those from the release.
[lxplus043] ~ > cvs ############# (any command)
[lxplus043] ~ > cvs logout
As a normal user, you just need to download the "Workspace". Being in a directory of your choice, execute :
[lxplus043] ~ > cvs co -r ALPHAPPTAG Workspace
ALPHAPPTAG can be any alpha++ tag, or ALPHAPP-HEAD. This will create a "Workspace" directory using the referenced version.
For the developper...As a developper, you need the full ALPHA++ sources. You have thus to download the full Application:
[lxplus043] ~ > cvs co -rALPHAPP-4_0 -P Applications
This command will create a new directory "Applications" containing the full project. The head is also available, but not garanted to be stable.
Since there has been a change in the definition of COMMON_BLOCK_DEF in cfortran.h since cernlib 2002, old versions will not compile. As a solution, you may include /cern/2001/cfortran.h instead or better try the folllowing bash command:
for i in `grep -rl COMMON_BLOCK_DEF *`; { ex -s "+%substitute/COMMON_BLOCK_DEF/extern COMMON_BLOCK_DEF/p" "+wq" $i ; }
Trying some test code
Go to the new directory and compile the sample code with "make".
Check the compiled example by doing "ls Linux"
Execute the code by doing "Linux/acoplanar -l0", "Linux/test1 -l0", or any other compiled example.
Placing USER=acoplanar, USER=test1, USER=test2 ou USER=test3 at the begining of GNUmakefile, you can compile and then execute any sample code.
To produce a paw ntuple, just remove the .root extension in the HIST card placed in alpha++.input. Note that the paw output is unavailable for acoplanar, due to the use of CW-like commands, still not implemented for the alpha++ HBOOK-wrapper.
To submit a job on LSF, use the submit.job file (bsub < job.submit).
You have to set your login on line 4, your afs home on line 20, the Applications directory (created by cvs) on line 21 and the binary name on line 28. The job name on line 27 is the name seen with the bjobs command.
On all the ALPHA++ website pages there are links to the online documentation:
Here are some links to tools used by ALPHA++: