Guenther Dissertori showed the upgrade plans for the objy database.
The LHC++ software of release 99a which we need is there, in particular
Objectivity5.1 and HepODBMS. So the immediate plans are to run the upgrade
program of Objy to upgrade the existing database from version 4 to 5.1.
He proposes some more changes to the ddl :
Every Objy-specific naming should be replaced by the ODBMS naming, eg.
ooVArray should go to HepVarray or something like that. Dirk will provide
a correct wrapper for that. Next clustering directives should be build into
the base classes, in order to be able to use the clustering hint goodies.
And finally the HepNamingTree should be used, so that the database can be
browsed as a file system, eg.
etc. There are iterators over directories. Dirk however proposes for the events
and the banks to iterate over the pointers, whcih is more efficient.
The upgrade should be done within the next weeks, so that we have a stable
version of the database when our summerstudents arrive.
As it came out from the discussion, nobody of the possible newcomers has time
to take care of it. So Guenther will do the upgrade work, with the help of Dirk.