setenv CVSROOT /afs/
cvs co -P Applications
The user setup has been simplified significantly. There is no need any more for the LHC++ installation. The user simply has to login, source the script $DEV/user_env.csh, and everything is ready. Databases have been transferred from Munich, upgraded to V5.2.1. There are now several 100k data and MC events. The FILIs are listed in /afs/ etc, which can be read via a READ statement in the alpha++.input file. So everthing is ready for analysis and development.
1) Arno has reinstalled LHC++ in Aachen, so the production should continue there, since in Munich there were too many hardware problems.
2) Guenther's summer student Dan Wallin will check the application code for memory leaks, do performance studies, improve the code and write addiational applications. This will be done together with a new summerstudent coming later.
3) Guenther will try to write some documentation.