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00001 #include "DefaultInteractiveActions.h"
00003 extern ofstream fout;
00005 void GeneralEventInfo::Run(vector<float>& options,AlphaBanks& EventInfo)
00006 {
00007   const float QQRADP=180./M_PI;
00008   // initialize the run/event related quantities
00009   AlEvent myevent = EventInfo.Event();
00010   vector<float> output; 
00011   output.push_back(1);
00012   output.push_back(myevent.number());
00013   SendMessage(Code(),output,"event");
00014   AlRun myrun = EventInfo.Run();
00015   output.clear();
00016   output.push_back(2);
00017   output.push_back(myrun.number());
00018   SendMessage(Code(),output,"run");
00019   // event date/hour
00020   output.clear();
00021   output.push_back(3);
00022   output.push_back(myevent.Time().year);
00023   output.push_back(myevent.Time().month ? myevent.Time().month : 1);
00024   output.push_back(myevent.Time().day ? myevent.Time().day : 1);
00025   output.push_back(myevent.Time().hour);
00026   output.push_back(myevent.Time().min);
00027   output.push_back(myevent.Time().sec);
00028   SendMessage(Code(),output,"Time information");
00029   // the class word
00030   output.clear();
00031   output.push_back(4);
00032   output.push_back(myevent.EdirClass());
00033   SendMessage(Code(),output,"EDIR class word");
00034   // summed quantities
00035   AlephCollection<AlEflw  *> alefp=EventInfo.EflwPV();
00036   QvecBase Psum = alefp.GetSum();
00037   output.clear();
00038   output.push_back(5);
00039   output.push_back(Psum.QM());
00040   output.push_back(Psum.QP());
00041   SendMessage(Code(),output,"summed quantities");
00042   // topological quantities
00043   output.clear();
00044   output.push_back(6);
00045   if(alefp.size())
00046   {
00047   AlephCollection<AlJet> Jn = alefp.DurhamJet(-2,1,0);
00048   int jetr = Jn.size();
00049   float acopl          = Jn.size() == 2 ? acos(min(max(cos(Jn[0].QPH()-Jn[1].QPH()),-1.),1.))*QQRADP     : 180.;
00050   float acolin         = Jn.size() == 2 ? acos(min(max(Jn[1].QCOSA(Jn[0]),(float)-1.),(float)1.))*QQRADP : 90. ;
00051   float thethrust      = alefp.AThrust().getThrustValue();
00052   Hep3Vector thrustdir = alefp.AThrust().getThrustDirection();
00053   float sphericity     = alefp.Sphericity();
00054   float planarity      = alefp.Planarity();
00055   float aplanarity     = alefp.Aplanarity();
00056   output.push_back(acopl);
00057   output.push_back(acolin);
00058   output.push_back(thethrust);
00059   output.push_back(thrustdir.x());
00060   output.push_back(thrustdir.y());
00061   output.push_back(thrustdir.z());
00062   output.push_back(aplanarity);
00063   output.push_back(planarity);
00064   output.push_back(sphericity);
00065   }
00066   else
00067   {
00068    output.push_back(0);
00069    output.push_back(0);
00070    output.push_back(0);
00071    output.push_back(0);
00072    output.push_back(0);
00073    output.push_back(0);
00074    output.push_back(0);
00075    output.push_back(0);
00076    output.push_back(0);
00077   }
00078   SendMessage(Code(),output,"topological quantities");
00079 }
00081 void CollectTracks::Run(vector<float>& options,AlphaBanks& EventInfo)
00082 {
00083         AlephCollection<AlTrack *>::iterator Ich;
00084         AlephCollection<AlEflw  *>::iterator Ief;
00085         vector<float> output;
00086         int request = int(options[0]);
00087         switch(request)
00088         {
00089         case 0:
00090                 {
00091                         // do nothing
00092                         output.push_back(0);
00093                         SendMessage(Code(),output,"empty list");
00094                         break;
00095                 }
00096         case 1:
00097                 {
00098                         AlephCollection<AlTrack *> altp = EventInfo.TrackPV();
00099                         // Good quality charged Tracks selection
00100                         if(options[3])
00101                         {
00102                                 for (Ich=altp.begin(); Ich<altp.end(); Ich++)
00103                                 {
00104                                       int Ntpc = (*Ich)->NT();
00105                                       float costhch = (*Ich)->QCT();
00106                                       float d0 = (*Ich) -> QDB();
00107                                       float z0 = (*Ich) -> QZB();
00108                                       if ((Ntpc<4)||(costhch>0.95)||(d0>2.)||(z0>10.)||(costhch<-.95)||(d0<-2)||(z0<-10))
00109                                           altp.looperase(Ich);     // Erases elements in the altp vector
00110                                 }
00111                         }
00112                         // filter according to energy and costheta
00113                         int counter = 0;
00114                         for (Ich=altp.begin(); Ich<altp.end(); Ich++)
00115                         {
00116                                 if(((*Ich)->QE()<options[1])||(fabs((*Ich)->QCT())>options[2]))
00117                                         altp.looperase(Ich);     // Erases elements in the altp vector
00118                                 else
00119                                         counter++;
00120                         }
00121                         // send the tracks
00122                         if (counter==0) 
00123                         {
00124                                 output.push_back(0);
00125                                 SendMessage(Code(),output,"empty list");
00126                         }
00127                         for (Ich=altp.begin(); Ich<altp.end(); Ich++)
00128                         {
00129                                 output.clear();
00130                                 output.push_back(--counter);
00131                                 output.push_back((*Ich)->QE());
00132                                 output.push_back((*Ich)->QX());
00133                                 output.push_back((*Ich)->QY());
00134                                 output.push_back((*Ich)->QZ());
00135                                 output.push_back((*Ich)->QCH());
00136                                 SendMessage(Code(),output,"track");
00137                         }
00138                         break;
00139                 }
00140         case 2:
00141                 {
00142                         AlephCollection<AlEflw  *> alefp=EventInfo.EflwPV();
00143                         // filter according to energy and costheta
00144                         int counter = 0;
00145                         for (Ief=alefp.begin(); Ief<alefp.end(); Ief++)
00146                         {
00147                                 if(((*Ief)->QE()<options[1])||(fabs((*Ief)->QCT())>options[2]))
00148                                         alefp.looperase(Ief);     // Erases elements in the altp vector
00149                                 else
00150                                         counter++;
00151                         }
00152                         // send the tracks
00153                         if (counter==0) 
00154                         {
00155                                 output.push_back(0);
00156                                 SendMessage(Code(),output,"empty list");
00157                         }
00158                         for (Ief=alefp.begin(); Ief<alefp.end(); Ief++)
00159                         {
00160                                 output.clear();
00161                                 output.push_back(--counter);
00162                                 output.push_back((*Ief)->QE());
00163                                 output.push_back((*Ief)->QX());
00164                                 output.push_back((*Ief)->QY());
00165                                 output.push_back((*Ief)->QZ());
00166                                 output.push_back((*Ief)->QCH());
00167                                 SendMessage(Code(),output,"Energy Flow");
00168                         }
00169                         break;
00170                 }
00171         default:
00172                 {
00173                         // error, ignore.
00174                 }
00175         }
00176 }
00178 void CollectLeptons::Run(vector<float>& options,AlphaBanks& EventInfo)
00179 {
00180         if(options[0]==0)
00181         {
00182                 vector<float> output;
00183                 output.push_back(0);
00184                 SendMessage(Code(),output,"no lepton");
00185                 return;
00186         }
00187         AlephCollection<AlMuon  *> almup=EventInfo.MuonPV();
00188         AlephCollection<AlElec  *> alelp=EventInfo.ElecPV();
00189         AlephCollection<AlEflw  *> alefp=EventInfo.EflwPV();
00190         AlephCollection<AlTrack *> altp = EventInfo.TrackPV();
00191         AlephCollection<AlTrack *>::iterator Ich;
00192         AlephCollection<AlElec   *>::iterator Iel;
00193         AlephCollection<AlMuon   *>::iterator Imu;
00194         AlephCollection<AlTau    *>::iterator Itau;
00195         AlephCardsReader *tcr = &(((AlephIoManager*)AlephIoManager::TheAlephIoManager())->theCardsReader());
00196         vector<float> output;
00197         // Good quality charged Tracks selection
00198         for (Ich=altp.begin(); Ich<altp.end(); Ich++)
00199         {
00200               int Ntpc = (*Ich)->NT();
00201               float costhch = (*Ich)->QCT();
00202               float d0 = (*Ich) -> QDB();
00203               float z0 = (*Ich) -> QZB();
00204               if ((Ntpc<4)||(costhch>0.95)||(d0>2.)||(z0>10.)||(costhch<-.95)||(d0<-2)||(z0<-10))
00205                   (*Ich)->Lock();     // Erases elements in the altp vector
00206         }
00207         int nl = 0; 
00208         if((int(options[0]))&1)
00209         {
00210                 // electrons
00211                 alelp.FilterEl(almup,tcr->ELIDcuts());
00212                 nl+=alelp.size();
00213         }
00214         if((int(options[0]))&2)
00215         {
00216                 // muons
00217                 almup.FilterMu(tcr->MUIDcuts());
00218                 nl+=almup.size();
00219         }
00220         AlephCollection<AlTau> JJ;
00221         AlephCollection<AlTau*> altaup;
00222         if((int(options[0]))&4)
00223         {
00224                 //taus
00225                 AlEvent myevent = EventInfo.Event();
00226                 float QELEP = myevent.Energy();
00227                 JJ = alefp.ATauJn(tcr->TAIDcuts(),QELEP);
00228                 altaup = JJ.Pointers();
00229                 altaup.FilterTau(tcr->TAIDcuts());
00230                 nl+=altaup.size();
00231         }
00232         if(nl==0)
00233         {
00234                 vector<float> output;
00235                 output.push_back(0);
00236                 SendMessage(Code(),output,"no lepton");
00237                 return;
00238         }
00239         if((int(options[0]))&1)
00240                 for (Iel = alelp.begin(); Iel<alelp.end(); Iel++)
00241                 {
00242                         output.clear();
00243                         output.push_back(--nl);
00244                         output.push_back((*Iel)->QE());
00245                         output.push_back((*Iel)->QX());
00246                         output.push_back((*Iel)->QY());
00247                         output.push_back((*Iel)->QZ());
00248                         output.push_back((*Iel)->QCH());
00249                         output.push_back(1);
00250                         SendMessage(Code(),output,"Electron");
00251                 }
00252         if((int(options[0]))&2)
00253                 for (Imu = almup.begin(); Imu<almup.end(); Imu++)
00254                 {
00255                         output.clear();
00256                         output.push_back(--nl);
00257                         output.push_back((*Imu)->QE());
00258                         output.push_back((*Imu)->QX());
00259                         output.push_back((*Imu)->QY());
00260                         output.push_back((*Imu)->QZ());
00261                         output.push_back((*Imu)->QCH());
00262                         output.push_back(2);
00263                         SendMessage(Code(),output,"Muon");
00264                 }
00265         if((int(options[0]))&4)
00266                 for (Itau = altaup.begin(); Itau<altaup.end(); Itau++)
00267                 {
00268                         output.clear();
00269                         output.push_back(--nl);
00270                         output.push_back((*Itau)->QE());
00271                         output.push_back((*Itau)->QX());
00272                         output.push_back((*Itau)->QY());
00273                         output.push_back((*Itau)->QZ());
00274                         output.push_back((*Itau)->QCH());
00275                         output.push_back(3);
00276                         SendMessage(Code(),output,"tau");
00277                 }
00278         for (Ich=altp.begin(); Ich<altp.end(); Ich++)
00279                   (*Ich)->unLock();
00280 }
00282 void CollectJets::Run(vector<float>& options,AlphaBanks& EventInfo)
00283 {
00284         // compute the jets
00285         AlephCollection<AlEflw  *> alefp=EventInfo.EflwPV();
00286         float Ycut = options[2];
00287         int scheme = int(options[1]);
00288         AlEvent myevent = EventInfo.Event();
00289         float QELEP = myevent.Energy();
00290         float energy = options[3]==-1 ? QELEP : options[3];
00291         AlephCollection<AlJet> Jn = options[0] ? alefp.DurhamJet(Ycut, scheme, energy) : alefp.JadeJet(Ycut, scheme, energy);
00292         // find the radius and send informations
00293         vector<float> output;
00294         int counter = Jn.size();
00295         for( AlephCollection<AlJet>::iterator jet = Jn.begin();jet<Jn.end();jet++)
00296         {
00297                 AlephCollection<AlObject*> constituants = jet->getObjects();
00298                 float costhetamin=1;
00299                 for(AlephCollection<AlObject*>::iterator element = constituants.begin(); element<constituants.end();element++)
00300                 {
00301                         float costheta = ((QvecBase*)(*element))->QCOSA(*jet);
00302                         costhetamin = costheta<costhetamin ? costheta : costhetamin;
00303                 }
00304                 output.clear();
00305                 output.push_back(--counter);
00306                 output.push_back(costhetamin);
00307                 output.push_back(jet->QX());
00308                 output.push_back(jet->QY());
00309                 output.push_back(jet->QZ());
00310                 SendMessage(Code(),output,"jet");
00311         }
00312 }

Generated at Wed Jun 18 17:19:19 2003 for ALPHA++ by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001