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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Class AlephNtupleWriter:
00003 // Give access to general methods to write data to files
00004 // possible output formats are: hbook, root
00005 //
00006 // Author : C.Delaere
00007 //
00013 #include "AlephCardsReader.h"
00014 #include <cfortran.h>
00015 #include "hbook.h"
00016 #include "SmartPointer.h"
00018 #include "TFile.h"
00019 #include "TTree.h"
00020 #include "TNtuple.h"
00022 #include "UserClasses.h"
00023 #include <typeinfo>
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include <vector>
00026 #include <map>
00027 #include <stdarg.h>
00029 #include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
00030 #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
00037 class AlephNtupleWriter {
00038 public:
00040 AlephNtupleWriter();
00043 virtual ~AlephNtupleWriter();
00046 virtual void Initialize(AlephCardsReader*, int) ;
00049 template<typename tpe> void AddOutput(tpe obj, char* name)
00050 {
00051         string clss;
00052         if (typeid(obj)==typeid(int)) clss = "I";
00053         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned int)) clss = "i";
00054         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(float)) clss = "F";
00055         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(double)) clss = "D";
00056         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(short)) clss = "B";
00057         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned short)) clss = "b";
00058         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(long)) clss = "I";
00059         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned long)) clss = "i";
00060         else clss = typeid(obj).name()+strspn(typeid(obj).name(),"0123456789");
00061         switch (type)
00062         {
00063                 case 1 :
00064                         {
00065                                 smart_type<tpe>* theObject = new smart_type<tpe>;
00066                                 theObjects.push_back(theObject);
00067                                 void* address = theObject->theaddr();
00068                                 void* ptr     = theObject->theptr();
00069                                 NamesIndexes[name] = (theObjects.size()-1);
00070                                 if ((strlen(clss.c_str())==1)&&(strpbrk(clss.c_str(),"CBbSsIiFD")!=(char*)NULL))
00071                                 {
00072                                         string arg3 = string(name)+string("/")+string(clss);
00073                                         ROOTtree->Branch(name,address,arg3.c_str());
00074                                 }
00075                                 else
00076                                 {
00077                                         ROOTtree->Branch(name,clss.c_str(),ptr);
00078                                 }
00079                         }
00080                         break;
00081                 case 2 :
00082                         if ((strlen(clss.c_str())==1)&&(strpbrk(clss.c_str(),"CBbSsIiFD")!=(char*)NULL))
00083                         {
00084                                 size++;
00085                                 char procname[8];
00086                                 strncpy(procname,name,7);
00087                                 for(int i=strlen(name);i<7;i++)
00088                                         procname[i]=' ';
00089                                 procname[7] = 0;
00090                                 NamesIndexes[procname] = size-1;
00091                                 data.push_back(0.);
00092                         }
00093                         else
00094                                 cerr << "ERROR: type " << name << " not supported by HBOOKwriter." << endl;
00095                         break;
00096                 default :
00097                         cerr << "ERROR: Bad Ntuple Type." << endl;
00098                         exit(0);
00099         }
00100 }
00102 template<typename tpe> void AddOutput(tpe obj, unsigned int sze, ...)
00103 {
00104         va_list ap;
00105         va_start(ap,sze);
00106         for(unsigned int arg=0;arg<sze;arg++)
00107         {
00108         char *name = va_arg(ap,char*);
00109         string clss;
00110         if (typeid(obj)==typeid(int)) clss = "I";
00111         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned int)) clss = "i";
00112         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(float)) clss = "F";
00113         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(double)) clss = "D";
00114         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(short)) clss = "B";
00115         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned short)) clss = "b";
00116         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(long)) clss = "I";
00117         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned long)) clss = "i";
00118         else clss = typeid(obj).name()+strspn(typeid(obj).name(),"0123456789");
00119         switch (type)
00120         {
00121                 case 1 :
00122                         {
00123                                 smart_type<tpe>* theObject = new smart_type<tpe>;
00124                                 theObjects.push_back(theObject);
00125                                 void* address = theObject->theaddr();
00126                                 void* ptr     = theObject->theptr();
00127                                 NamesIndexes[name] = (theObjects.size()-1);
00128                                 if ((strlen(clss.c_str())==1)&&(strpbrk(clss.c_str(),"CBbSsIiFD")!=(char*)NULL))
00129                                 {
00130                                         string arg3 = string(name)+string("/")+string(clss);
00131                                         ROOTtree->Branch(name,address,arg3.c_str());
00132                                 }
00133                                 else
00134                                 {
00135                                         ROOTtree->Branch(name,clss.c_str(),ptr);
00136                                 }
00137                         }
00138                         break;
00139                 case 2 :
00140                         if ((strlen(clss.c_str())==1)&&(strpbrk(clss.c_str(),"CBbSsIiFD")!=(char*)NULL))
00141                         {
00142                                 size++;
00143                                 char procname[8];
00144                                 strncpy(procname,name,7);
00145                                 for(int i=strlen(name);i<7;i++)
00146                                         procname[i]=' ';
00147                                 procname[7] = 0;
00148                                 NamesIndexes[procname] = size-1;
00149                                 data.push_back(0.);
00150                         }
00151                         else
00152                                 cerr << "ERROR: type " << name << " not supported by HBOOKwriter." << endl;
00153                         break;
00154                 default :
00155                         cerr << "ERROR: Bad Ntuple Type." << endl;
00156                         exit(0);
00157         }
00158         }
00159         va_end(ap);
00160 }
00163 template<typename tpe> void AddScalableOutput(char* name, tpe obj, unsigned int size)
00164 {
00165         string clss;
00166         if (typeid(obj)==typeid(int)) clss = "I";
00167         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned int)) clss = "i";
00168         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(float)) clss = "F";
00169         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(double)) clss = "D";
00170         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(short)) clss = "B";
00171         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned short)) clss = "b";
00172         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(long)) clss = "I";
00173         else if (typeid(obj)==typeid(unsigned long)) clss = "i";
00174         else 
00175         {
00176                 cerr << "ERROR: cannot create an array of non-elementary type" << endl;
00177                 return;
00178         }
00179         switch (type)
00180         {
00181                 case 1 :
00182                         {
00183                                 smart_type<tpe>* theObject = new smart_type<tpe>(size);
00184                                 theObjects.push_back(theObject);
00185                                 void* address = theObject->theaddr();
00186                                 NamesIndexes[name] = (theObjects.size()-1);
00188                                 string nname = string("n")+string(name);
00189                                 string arg3 = nname + string("/I");
00190                                 ROOTtree->Branch(nname.c_str(),SizeAddresses[name] = new int,arg3.c_str());
00191                                 arg3 = string(name)+string("[")+nname+string("]/")+string(clss);
00192                                 ROOTtree->Branch(name,address,arg3.c_str());
00193                         }
00194                         break;
00195                 case 2 :
00196                         cerr << "ERROR: column-wise ntuple still not handled... AddScalableOutput unavailable." << endl;
00197                         break;
00198                 default :
00199                         cerr << "ERROR: Bad Ntuple Type." << endl;
00200                         exit(0);
00201         }
00202 }
00205 virtual void Fill();
00208 virtual void Terminate();
00211 template <typename entry> void Keep(const char* name , const entry* value , const int size)
00212 {
00213         switch(type)
00214         {
00215                 case 1 :
00216                         {
00217                                 *((*SizeAddresses.find(name)).second) = size;
00218                                 entry* array = (entry*)theObjects[NamesIndexes.find(name)->second]->theaddr();
00219                                 for(int i=0;i<size;i++) array[i] = value[i];
00220                         }
00221                         break;
00222                 case 2 :
00223                         cerr << "ERROR: column-wise ntuple still not handled... Keep(char*, entry*, int) unavailable." << endl;
00224                         break;
00225                 default:
00226                         cerr << "ERROR: Bad Ntuple Type." << endl;
00227                         exit(0);
00228         }
00229 }
00232 template <typename entry> void KeepV(const char* name , vector<entry> value)
00233 {
00234         unsigned int size = value.size();
00235         switch(type)
00236         {
00237                 case 1 :
00238                         {
00239                                 *((*SizeAddresses.find(name)).second) = size;
00240                                 entry* array = (entry*)theObjects[NamesIndexes.find(name)->second]->theaddr();
00241                                 for(unsigned int i=0;i<size;i++) array[i] = value[i];
00242                         }
00243                         break;
00244                 case 2 :
00245                         cerr << "ERROR: column-wise ntuple still not handled... Keep(char*, entry*, int) unavailable." << endl;
00246                         break;
00247                 default:
00248                         cerr << "ERROR: Bad Ntuple Type." << endl;
00249                         exit(0);
00250         }
00251 }
00254 template <typename entry> void Keep(const char* name, const entry& value)
00255 {
00256         switch(type)
00257         {
00258                 case 1 :
00259                         *(entry*)theObjects[NamesIndexes.find(name)->second]->theaddr() = value;
00260                         break;
00261                 case 2 :
00262                         char procname[8];
00263                         strncpy(procname,name,7);
00264                         for(int i=strlen(name);i<7;i++)
00265                                  procname[i]=' ';
00266                         procname[7] = 0;
00267                         data[ NamesIndexes.find(procname)->second ] = (float)value; 
00268                         break;
00269                 default:
00270                         cerr << "ERROR: Bad Ntuple Type." << endl;
00271                         exit(0);
00272         }
00273 }
00276 void Keep(const char* name, const HepLorentzVector& value)
00277 {
00278         float tmp[4];
00279         tmp[0] = value[0]; tmp[1] = value[1]; tmp[2] = value[2]; tmp[3] = value[3];
00280         Keep(name, tmp, 4);
00281 }
00285 void Keep(const char* name, const Hep3Vector& value)
00286 {
00287         float tmp[3];
00288         tmp[0] = value[0]; tmp[1] = value[1]; tmp[2] = value[2];
00289         Keep(name, tmp, 3);
00290 }
00293 private:
00294 // general
00295 int type;
00296 AlephCardsReader* cards;
00297 map<string,int> NamesIndexes;
00299 // hbook used members
00300 int size;
00301 vector<float> data;
00302 bool booked;
00304 // root used members
00305 TFile* ROOTfile;
00306 TTree* ROOTtree;
00307 map<string,int*>  SizeAddresses;
00308 vector<smart_void*> theObjects;
00310 };
00312 #endif

Generated at Wed Jun 18 17:19:09 2003 for ALPHA++ by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001